Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thirsty Thursday: Water, Water, Everywhere

Today’s post is inspired by the current weather conditions:

Water, water, everywhere. Sigh.

However, this Thirsty Thursday post will not be looking at the water drops that pelted my umbrella and soaked through my shoes on the way to class today. Instead, it will take a dive into the water that should fill up your glass!

With so many beverages available—sodas, juices, energy drinks, milk, coffee—we sometimes forget about one of the simplest drinks of them all: good ol’ water. (Or as you’d say in Boston, “watah.”) As an on-the-go student, it’s even more important that we remember to keep hydrated.

On average, the human body is made up of 60% water. Note that I said water, not Diet Coke or Red Bull or Starbucks Double Mocha Frappucino with Extra Whip. This number changes based on body type because muscle retains more water than fat.

Water really should be marketed as a miracle beverage. It helps the proper functioning of your circulatory, excretory, nervous, and respiratory systems. Check out some of the wonderful things water does for the human body:
  • maintains healthy skin complexions
  • flushes out toxins
  • reduces post-workout cramping
  • prevents kidney infections
  • regulates body temperature
  • aids weight loss
  • reduces risk of heart disease
  • improves concentration 

We constantly need to replenish this amount of water. Dehydration is a serious yet common health complication, and can be indicated by excessive thirst, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and lightheadedness.

There is debate over how much water you should drink. The common advice of “8 glasses a day” is not necessarily perfect, since we also get water from food intake. A good guide to follow is to drink a glass first thing in the morning, a glass with each meal, and a glass in between meals (plus more if you exercise!). Every time you want to complement a meal with a sugary soda, try drinking a glass of water first and then see if you still are craving the soda. Drink when you’re thirsty! Drink when you think you might be thirsty! It’s unlikely you’ll overdo it (although if you start hearing swishing noises when you walk, you might want to cut back a bit…).

I’ll admit, I often forget to drink an adequate amount of water during the day. Luckily, there are some tricks to getting enough water, such as adding a little flavor with lemon or orange slices, eating water-rich veggies like tomatoes, and constantly filling up a reusable water bottle. You can even turn your water into an accessory and buy a snazzy-looking bottle, such as these ones: 

I Heart Water” by Perpetual Kid, $17.99

Seashell Bay” by Sigg, $21.99

Bike” by Target, $9.99

What are your tricks for getting enough water? Anyone else find "LOL Cats" entertaining? ;)

Today’s Recommended Read: From Farm to Fridge to Garbage Can (


  1. My pink travel water bottle is attached to me! My roommates tell me I'm as attached to it as a baby with its bottle. Mmmmm...water. Makes me feel so healthy now too!

  2. mmmmmm, water, though I have to admit that I do need my daily caffeine fix! LOVE your pics!

  3. I wasn't drinking enough water so 4 months ago I gave up my 3 or more diet coke a day habit for water. I am so proud of myself for doing it and I wanted to set a good example for my kids. Also, I don't miss the soda at all!!

  4. I'm glad you liked my blog post. You can definitely feel free to link to it! :)

    I'm pretty bad about making sure to drink enough water. If only coffee could count towards all of our water intake haha.

  5. Lolcats are wonderful, and Sigg water bottles are best!

  6. @Vieshnavi R I know, they always crack me up :) I can't handle cats in real life because I'm allergic, so I have to stick to the LOL ones for now...
