About Me

Welcome to Enjoy Your Cheerios
My name is Jenny, and I am a college student living in Boston.

I am not a nutritional studies major, a registered dietician, a seasoned (haha, punny!) food writer, or an expert of any sort in the healthy living field. I am, however, an individual with a passion for good food and an active lifestyle. I hope you are able to use Enjoy Your Cheerios as a source for college-friendly tips, facts, and anecdotes relating to healthy living.

As far as my other interests, I love all things theater,

drawing (occasionally when I should be taking class notes),

running around Boston,

making mistakes/masterpieces in the kitchen,

and learning something new every day!

I look forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy your Cheerios--I mean, this blog. ;-)
Say hi!


  1. I love meeting other college bloggers! Nice to read you :)

  2. jenny! i just came across your blog and i can't wait to read more! come over and check out mine!!

  3. hey jenny! thanks for stopping by my blog! glad to have discovered yours!! just wondering, what school do you go to in boston?! though im studying abroad in florence italy right now, i go to school in boston too!

  4. hey girl- your blog is awesome! you are an incredible artist too! cant wait to read on!
