Saturday, October 23, 2010

Frugal Friday: Trader Joe's Treasures

When I did my weekly grocery run this week, I realized the first Frugal Friday post needed to highlight the awesome prices at my favorite grocery store:
Trader Joe's always gives me such a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Perhaps it's the delicious free samples, the cozy decor, the extensive organic selections...or the AMAZING PRICES. If you're a college student looking to make nice with your wallet, I recommend checking out TJ's for finance-friendly supplies. Their website explains it best, listing these reasons for their low prices:

  • We buy direct from suppliers whenever possible, we bargain hard to get the best price, and then pass the savings on to you.
  • If an item doesn't pull its weight in our stores, it goes away to gangway for something else.
  • We buy in volume and contract early to get the best prices.
    • Most grocers charge their suppliers fees for putting an item on the shelf. This results in higher we don't do it.
    • We keep our costs low--because every penny we save is a penny you save.

    So what exactly do these savings look like? Well, for one thing, they are very colorful. TJ's artistic displays only add to the deliciousness of their deals. Photos often speak louder than words, so I'll let my snapshots from this week's shopping trip do the talking:
    As a banana addict, my favorite deal is the 19 cent bananas. Just look at that beautiful banana bonanza...
    Trader Joe's has locations nationwide. If you happen to live near downtown Boston, a few locations include Back Bay (899 Boylston Street), Brookline (1317 Beacon Street), and Cambridge (748 Memorial Drive).

    Have you ever been to Trader Joe's? Any other banana addicts out there? :-)

    Today's Recommended Read: Told to Eat its Vegetables, America Orders Fries (NY Times)


    1. Woah we could definitely be sisters...I have been to Trader Joes many times and I totally agree that bananas rock. I seem to always have tons of dark chocolate covered bananas as well as just plain bananas at my house too.

    2. My favorite library snack that will beat out anything a vending machine provides (even when it has that green "healthy" check next to it): small tupperware container with a few spoonfuls of peanut butter and a banana. Easy to pack, no mess... and also quiet--no pesky crunching to get you any mean stares across the table (although dipping your banana in PB might get a few odd looks... :-) )

    3. @Nejla

      You just described my all-time favorite snack. Actually I'll eat anything if it has peanut butter on it. I recommend trying almond butter too!

    4. we have almond butter at home!
